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Name: Amy Christine Dumas
Date of birth: April 14, 1975
Age: 26
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135 lbs
Hair: Red (Naturally dark blonde)
Eyes: Hazel
Born: Ft. Lauderdale Fl.
Currently Lives: Sanford, NC

Has previously lived in: Jacksonville, FL then Orlando, FL then back to Ft. Lauderdale, FL then she moved to Atlanta, GA. (She did a little bit of middle school and high school, and went to the Georgia University for a little bit.) From there, she moved to Washington DC, then Richmond, VI and then to Sanford, North Carolina where she currently lives!
Status: Single and looking.

Federations worked for: WWF (Currently), ECW (1999), MCS, EMLL, NWA (North Carolina, where she met Matt and Jeff Hardy), The Omega (Hardy Boyz old Indy Fed) & other indies.
Trained by: Essa Rios, Matt & Jeff Hardy (She met them in NC, and trained with them), Kevin Quinn, Miguel Perez, Ricky Santana in Mexico, Shannon Moore (from 3 Count in WCW), Joey Abs, Dory Funk Jr. & Lelani Kai (Former WWF Women's Champion).

Also wrestled as: Angelica (Indies and ECW), Miss Congeniality (ECW), Lita (WWF). She also played one of the Godfathers hos on two different occasions.

Trademark moves: Moonsault from the top rope, HurricanLita, Swinging DDT's, Twist of Fate,

Amy has managed: The Hardy Boys (WWF), Essa Rios (WWF), Danny Doring/Roadkill (ECW) and others from indy feds including Christopher Daniels.

The tattoos: (Neck) Lita says that is is Russian and it says rebel, and she got it the day that she turned 18 and was able to get a tattoo.
(Shoulder) Lita says that she decided to go travel in Europe for about 6 weeks or so, and she picked up a souvenir on her arm. It doesn't mean anything, it's just a dragon on her shoulder.
(Lip) One of Lita's oldest tattoo's! She got it in 1996 or around then I believe. It is on the inside of her lower lip and it reads PUNK. :) It's definitely a unique spot to get a tat!

The thongs: Lita has said recently (Feb 01) that she now has around 70 - 80 thongs!

Injuries: The power bomb that she took from Eddy Guerrero hurt her the most, and she couldn't lift for about 6 weeks. She ended up having a dislocated collar bone and shoulder blade from that powerbomb in particular.

Lita had a sprained ankle that was bothering her for some time, though she wrestled with it, and it finally as good as new.

From the 11th of September to the end of that month, Lita had a suspected broken toe after executing a bad moonsault on Ivory on Raw is War. Her leg landed across the throat of Ivory and her toe hit the met hard. She hit the same toe again after doing a moonsault not long after that on Trish Stratus.

Late December 2000 - January 2001: Lita had some inflamed disks in her back which caused her a great amount of pain whenever she wrestled. It was this reason she was put out of action for a few weeks, and only accompanied the Hardy Boyz to the ring and didn't wrestle in any hardcore matches during this time.

If you know Amy's full name and birth date...
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you have an Amy wall on your desktop...
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you have the Lita theme mp3......
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you have a screename that has, lita,2extrem or amy
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you have an Amy Dumas e-mail.....
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you have an Amy tribute site.......
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you have more than 100 Amy pics on your hard drive.......
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you have an Amy Winamp skin......
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you have more than 10 mag pics on your wall(s)....
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you visit AmyDumas.net more than 10 times a day........
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you know Amy Dumas snail mail and e-mail address..........
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you have seen Amy live!........
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you have submitted walls or fan art to AmyDumas.net.........
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you regularly post on the Amy Dumas Message Board......
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you tuned into Live! with Regis just for lita .....
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you remember Amy recipe for Black bean & onion dip by heart........
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you have made your own customized Amy merchandise.......
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you bought the December 2000 issue of WWF Magazine.......
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you watch Raw is War & Smack Down! just for Lita........
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you always choose Lita in Smack Down!2 (for PS) or No Mercy (for N64).....
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you have the Lita action figure.........
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you have purchased WWF The Music Volume 5 for Lita's theme
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If Amy knows your name
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If Amy remarks, "oh, you again?!
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If Amy has to pick you out of a line-up
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If Amy's room is filled of things you have given her
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you refer to Amy as your secret girlfriend
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you begin sentences with: "I wonder if Amy...
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you have done a term paper on Lita/Amy
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If your car has photos/merchandise of Lita
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you think, if Amy and I were married she would be Amy ________ (for guys)
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you've managed to get the Lita theme for your cell phone/pager chime
.......you might be an Amy fan!

If you have managed to read all this..........
.......you ARE an Amy fan!

Lita's Valentine's Day fantasy
WWF.Com - February 14, 2001
The guy: A boyfriend. Someone she's familiar with and has known for some time. "He knows me. I can be me," she says.
The date: A weekend getaway. They decide to skip out of town on a Friday. They sleep in -- waking up to no alarms and no schedules. It's 80 degrees and sunny, a beautiful day. They jump into his SUV on their way to a FantaSuite Hotel in the Midwest. They're in no hurry, so they stop at every roadside attraction, from boiled peanuts to fresh vegetables. They poke into old gas stations searching for trinkets, like souvenir penny-cruncher machines. Its the quintessential road trip -- no shoes, feet on the dashboard. They listen to old country music or old 1980s sing-a-longs in the middle of nowhere. They bring their CDs just in case they can't get anything on the radio.
He's wearing baggy jeans and a worn flannel shirt, unbutton. They arrive at their hotel at dusk. Each room has a theme, and they choose the spaceship room, because she had seen a picture of it in a catalog. There's an octagon-shaped waterbed with a "lava hot tub," which surrounds the bed like a moat. They've got full cable, including MTV. Upon arriving to the room, they strip naked, lay on the bed and channel surf. Eventually, they take showers (individually, not together). It's very casual. While they're showering, they talk about what they want to do. They decide to order pizza, and while they're waiting for it, they go on a junk-food run, spending for all kinds of treats, and cheap wine. The pizza arrives. They spread their entire smorgasbord on the bed, and they rent a movie -- some generic, light-hearted high school flick about cheerleaders and nerds. They eat, sampling all the different treats that they have, but not really finishing anything.
After the movie is over and there finished eating, they decide to explore the town. Of course, there's not much going on, being that it's such a small town. They stumble upon a mini-golf course, which is closed. They hop the fence, explore, and they start making out on the Astroturf. Once they get a little "Astro-burn," they know it's time to go back to the hotel. Once there, they have a fun, physical time, "playing" all over the room, until they crash in a heap on top of the covers. At about 5 a.m., they crawl under the covers. They sleep in, until the maids knock at about noon. They go out and explore what the town is like during the day, and they decide to play a round of miniature golf, laughing as they pass their make-out spot from the night before. Then it's time for the four-hour drive home, which they do without stopping. He drops her off with a casual, informal goodbye, because she knows she'll see him soon, perhaps as early as that night. At home, she hangs out with the dog, does a load of laundry and enjoys the exciting yet comfortable feeling inside from her wonderful weekend.

What was it like for Amy to work in the ECW?
Amy said she had a good time there, and she learned so much in the short time that she was there. It was really tough, and she was extremely hungry and poor. It was real rough financially, and everyone there is real cool. It was a little scary at times, but all in all, it was cool.

Does she like the ECW or WWF better?

Amy likes it better in the WWF, and it's a dream come true. ECW was a great experience, and it's really good for people to graduate to move on to the next level. Amy said that she would have to say that she likes the World Wrestling Federation better.

How has she been handling fame?

Amy has said before that the fame didn't really start until the angle with Chyna, and it really started to fire up that week. She likes to interact with people. She also has said that she is not at all used to fame and whenever she sees someone with a pen and paper in hand, so thinks they must be wanting directions or when they see her they are looking at the clock behind her or something! She's getting used to it now, but still doesn't let it get to her head. She stays real throughout it all. :)

What does Amy do to get away from the WWF?

Amy doesn't like to be away from everything. She hates it, and she watches wrestling tapes all week long and pretends that she's on the road when she's at home.

What kind of school student was Amy?

Amy said her whole goal in high school was to not be stupid and drop out, and she got through it, and she graduated like 6 months early. By the time the actual graduation came along, she was in college. Before she was with the WWF and wrestling, she was with bands, and she was a band manager. She was still on the road.

What is Amy's view of women in wrestling?

She remembers the Armageddon pay per view, and that was when Miss Kitty took her top off, and she said that was all right, because it was what the people want to see. It put a twist to it. Amy said that it's cool right now that they are entertaining both with the cat fights and then something they haven't seen. Once the fans see something that they haven't seen, they think it's pretty cool. Amy is giving people something new to see in a woman.

What about the high flying and high risk moves that she does and how does she feel about the Hardy Boyz?

As far as the high flying and high risk moves that Amy has done, it's very impressive. The WWF writers paired the Hardy Boyz and Amy together in May of 2000 and now they have coupled up Lita and Matt together as a part of their storylines. Rumors are flying that they will shortly split the Hardyz up over Lita perhaps. :)

Who does Amy look up to in the locker room?

Amy said everyone work so hard back there, everyone just pushes themselves so hard to give 100%, and Triple H definitely sticks out. It's so crisp and so clean and it's extremely professional. She has also mentioned that she loves the talent of The Rock (She calls him Rocky though! lol) and Kurt Angle also because they are all so young yet at the same time so 'technically awesome and polished.'

What does Amy do to pass time while she's travelling?

Amy said that if she's not sleeping, she has her note book out and she's writing down spots and angles for wrestling. She is obsessed with wrestling!

Her suggestions for future athletes in the wrestling business:

Amy said that you have to find out what is in you, because people are going to test you and make you want to quit. You have to stay focused and don't look back and continue to try to progress. Stay in school and then train to become a wrestler. She went to college to be a teacher, and she wound up in wrestling, but she is glad that what she went to college for is in her back pocket. She also has said to go to a good wrestling school. There are enough now that it's very easy to find a reputable school. Just give it your all and try your hardest.